
Monday, April 2, 2012

Workouts This Week

I went back to the knee doctor this week and made a 50 minute drive both ways for a five minute appointment during which he told me that I "still have a lot of work to do" and "don't run". That was about all I got from that...really? It just cost me a $25 copay for 2 minutes of your time, during which you say nothing I didn't already know? No wonder doctors have so much money.

I am not going to lie... it has been incredibly hard to get motivated to work out at all lately. I hate not being able to run, and I am really limited in strength training...and really, you can only do so much swimming, pilates, and walking before you are just sick of it.

Anyways, here it is:
Monday: 3.75 mile walk
Tuesday: 600m swim
Wednesday: off
Thursday: 2 mile walk with the dog
Friday: 2.25 mile walk
Saturday: off
Sunday: 1 mile walk with the dog and a circuit workout

I had to skip my normal Pilates class last week because I had to go pick up my interview suit (now I just need some interviews to go to), so hopefully I will get back to that this week. I am also hoping to swim twice this week...we'll see how that goes.

What do you do when you are in an exercise rut (besides switch up your workouts... I can't do that)?

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